The Mendele Review: Yiddish Literature and Language
              (A Companion to MENDELE)
Contents of Vol. 09.10  [Sequential No. 162]
7 September 2005

1) This issue (ed.) 
2) Bergelson and Chekhov: Convergences and Departures (Joseph Sherman)
3) Periodicals Received (ed.)
4) Books Received (ed.)
5) Publisher's Announcement
6)  Response to Menke Review

Click below for The Mendele Review, Vol. 9, No. 10

7 September 2005
From: Leonard Prager, ed. 

Subject: This issue: 

-- Today's The Mendele Review continues and amplifies the preceding issue (Vol. 9, No, 9), the two issues together constituting a close deliberation on the work of one of our greatest Yiddish modernists, Dovid Bergelson. Vol. 9, No. 9 gives the entire Yiddish text -- in the Standard Yiddish Orthography (SYO) -- of the short story "Yordim" (Declasse), and a complete translation of the story by Joseph Sherman, who for several years now has been particularly interested in Bergelson. The present essay is a comparative study of our Yiddish author and the Russian short fiction master Anton Chekhov, with the story "Yordim" serving as prime exemplary material for Sherman's thesis. 

--Readers will note below an announcement of a new book on Sabine Spielrein by Sabine Richebaecher. Most of the interest in Sabine Spielrein has centered on the Spielrein-Jung-Freud story, much dwelt upon as the first scandal in the then young psychoanalytic movement. In contrast, Sabine Richebaecher studies Sabine Spielrein herself, examining especiallly her Jewish background and family life. TMR  readers have been interested in the far less famous brother of Sabine, Itshe-Meyer Shpilrayn [Isaac Spilrein, 1891-193?], the first to lecture on Yiddish in Yiddish at the Moscow Second State University and author of a conspectus of Yiddish studies [see TMR vol. 3, no. 1 (14 January 1999)]. Richebaecher's new study may help us better see Itshe-Meyer Shpilrayn in the setting of his remarkable family.

7 September 2005
From:  Joseph Sherman
Bergelson and Chekhov: Convergences and Departures

Click below for the text of this essay:

Essay formatted in HTML

7 September 2005
From:  Leonard Prager
Subject: Books Received

-- Zalman Vendrof. When It Comes to Living; Selected Stories. McKinleyville, CA, 2004, 239 pp.  [ISBN 1-56474-435-3]  Price: $14.95. The English translations are by Irene Jerison and they are of high quality.  In the near future TMR will devote an entire issue to this somewhat neglected author and we will give Yiddish texts of at least two of the stories translated in the book announced here.

--Aleksander Shpiglblat. Krimeve; an altfrenkishe mayse. Jerusalem: Tsur-Ot, 2005, 233 pp. [ISBN 965-7188-21-0]  Price: $23. The book may be ordered from CYCO Books, 25 E. 21 Street, New York, NY 10010. The book cannot be ordered from Tsur-Ot but copies may become available from the author directly.

7 September 2005
From:  Leonard Prager
Subject: Periodicals Received

-- Khulyot vol. 9 (Summer 2005), ed. Shalom Luria and Haya Bar-Ytzhak, 438+xviii pp. May be ordered from Khulyot, Dept. of  Hebrew and Comparitive Literature, University of Haifa, Haifa 31905, Israel. Price: 50 shekels in Israel and $15 abroad (including postage) for individuals. Abstracts may be viewed at the Di velt fun yidish website ( and the essays themselves will become accessible on-line as have those in earlier volumes. 

-- Jiddistik Mitteilungen; Jiddistik in deutschsprachigen Laendern Nr. 33 (April 2005). This issue features three short studies dealing with 1) verbs with prefix on- in selected works of Sholem-Aleykhem [e.g. onnemen, onmestn] by Kyrill A. Schischigin, 2) the still current German slang term Tinnef (cf. Yiddish tinef) [an ongoing study by Hans Peter Althaus] and 3) early German efforts at constructing glossaries of Jewish commercial terms [Zur "Juedischen Geschaeftssprache" by Wolfram Windolph]. Simon Neuberg reviews Alfred Klepsch's Westjiddisches Woerterbuch. Auf der Basis Dialektologischer Erhebungen in Mittelfranken (Tuebingen: Niemeyer, 2004, 2vols.) and Ane Kleine reviews Heather Valencia's anthology with 8 cds (!) Mit groys fargenign (Oxford, 2003).  This semi-annual bulletin may be ordered from Universitaet Trier, FB II / Jiddistik-Mitteilungen, 54286 Trier, Germany. ISSN 0947-6091. []  Price: 3 euros.

7 September 2005
From:  D
oerlemann Verlag AG
Subject: Publisher's Announcement

Sabine Richebächer
Sabina Spielrein – »Eine fast grausame Liebe zur Wissenschaft«
400 Seiten.
Gebunden mit Schwarzweiß-Abbildungen
€ 24.90 / SFr. 42.–
ISBN 3-908777-14-3
Erschienen: 29. August 2005

Am Abend des 17. August 1904 wird eine junge Russin mit allen Anzeichen einer Hysterie ins Burghölzli, die Zürcher Irrenheilanstalt, eingeliefert. Für C.G. Jung bietet sich die Gelegenheit, an Sabina Spielrein zum ersten Mal Freuds Methode auszuprobieren. Die Therapie schlägt an, und noch aus dem Burghölzli heraus nimmt die wissensdurstige Patientin ein Medizinstudium auf. Als Jung und sie ein leidenschaftliches Liebesverhältnis beginnen, hat die Psychoanalyse ihren ersten Skandal.

Diese große Biographie Sabina Spielreins erzählt, wie aus dem jüdischen Mädchen aus Rostow am Don eine eigenständige Wissenschaftlerin ersten Ranges wird, eine Pionierin in der Erforschung der kindlichen Seele. Ein unruhiges, mutiges und bewegendes Leben, das unter Hitlers Mordkommandos ein frühes und tragisches Ende nimmt.

Die Geschichte von Sabina Spielrein und Jung ist in Italien unter dem Titel Prendimi l’anima verfilmt worden, und der berühmte englische Dramatiker Christopher Hampton hat darüber ein Theaterstück mit dem Titel The Talking Cure, deutsch Die Methode, geschrieben. Über das Leben von Sabina Spielrein drehte Elisabeth Martón einen Dokumentarfilm: Ich hiess Sabina Spielrein.

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7 September 2005
From: Leonard Prager 
Subject: Response to Menke Review

Readers are alerted to Frank Handler's response (in Mendele Vol. 15, No. 25) to the review of  Menke in TMR  vol. 9, No. 8.   Further responses are invited.


End of The Mendele Review Vol. 09.10

Editor, Leonard Prager

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