The Mendele Review: Yiddish Literature and Language

(A Companion to MENDELE)


Volume 8, 2004




Contents of Vol. 08.001,  14 January 2004


1) About this issue of TMR (ed.)
2) David Fram Centenary Tribute (Joseph Sherman)
3) INVENTORY of the DAVID FRAM PAPERS (Jane Garner and Nathan Snyder)
4) Books Received


Contents of Vol. 08.002,  15 February 2004

Felsenbaum Issue One

1) About this issue of TMR (Joseph Sherman)
2) Shabesdike shvebelekh  (Mikhoel Felsenbaum as translated by Joseph Sherman)
3) An Interview with Mikhoel Felsenbaum (Astrid Starck)


Contents of Vol. 08.003,  15 February 2004

Felsenbaum Issue Two

1) About this issue of TMR (Joseph Sherman)
2) A Critical Study of  Mikhoel Felsenbaum's Shabesdike shvebelekh  (Astrid Starck)


Contents of Vol. 08.004,  31 March 2004

1) About this issue of TMR (Joseph Sherman)

a. Yisker-bikher
b. Checklist of Soviet Authors
c. Khulyot 8

2) The Translation of Holocaust Memorial Books into English (Jacob Solomon Berger)
3) Eliezer Podriatchik's Checklist of Soviet Writers (Avraham A. Greenbaum and Leonard Prager)


Contents of Vol. 08.005,  13 April 2004

Seventh Anniversary Issue

1) About this issue of TMR (ed.)
2) flabbergasted in Yiddish (ed.)
3) Gershn Levin, "der farbisener" (ed.)
4) Gershon Levin, "The Truculent One" (ed.)


Contents of Vol. 08.006,  31 May 2004

1) About this issue of TMR (Leonard Prager)
2) Podriatchik's list of Soviet Yiddish Writers (Gennady Estraykh)
3) On vocalizing proper names in Yehoyesh's Tanakh: A Letter to the Editors (Martin Doering)


Contents of Vol. 08.007,  16 June 2004

1) About this issue of TMR (ed.)
2) Review of Joel Berkowitz, ed. Yiddish Theatre: New Approaches  (Michael Steinlauf)
3) A French translation of the 1602 editio princeps of  Mayse bukh  (Astrid Starck)
4) The Contribution of Ayzik Zaretski to Yiddish Linguistics (Zelda Newman)


Contents of Vol. 08.008,  29 July 2004

1) Editor's Note (L.P.)
2) Correction of Review of Joel Berkowitz, ed. Yiddish Theatre: New Approaches (Michael Steinlauf)
3) Introduction to "Anthologies of Yiddish Literature" (Part 1 of 6) (Hugh Denman)
4) Anthologies of Yiddish Literature in English Translation (Hugh Denman)


Contents of Vol. 08.009,  1 September 2004

1) Editor's Note (L.P.)
2) Review of Joachim Neugroschel,ed,tr. & intros. No Star Too Beautiful: An Anthology of Yiddish Stories (Lawrence Rosenwald)
3) An Ester Kreytman [Esther Kreitman] Bibliography (Faith Jones)


Contents of Vol. 08.010,  29 October 2004

1) Editor's Note (L.P.)

a. Shalom Luria awarded the Mendele-Moykher-Sforim Prize 2004
b. Joseph Sherman's Midstream essay on Isaac Bashevis-Singer
c. New stories on the Di velt fun yidish/The World of Yiddish website.
d. Full text access to Khulyot
e. Coming issue: Review of Dovid Katz's magisterial Lithuanian Jewish Culture (Vilna: Baltos Lankos, 2004, 398 pp)

2) Review of Dovid Katz's Words on Fire (L.P.)
3) Review of  Polin vol. 16 (Carrie Friedman-Cohen)
4) Oct.-Nov. 2004 Lebns-fragn, Tel-Aviv (Yitskhok Luden)


Contents of Vol. 08.011,  30 November 2004

1) Editor's Note (Leonard Prager)

a. On Getsl Zelikovitsh (1855-1926), Journalist, Erotic Author, Egyptologist, Adventurer, Feminist and Incredible Personality (ed.)
b. Yiddish After the Holocaust, Oxford August 2003 Conference papers edited by Joseph Sherman published
c. In Coming Issues: Review of Nancy Sinkoff's Out of the Shtetl  by Dr. Marcos Silber, etc.
d. Yoysef Tunkel ("Der tunkeler") audio-cum-text on The World of Yiddish website
e. Khulyot [also Chulyot] vol. 9 (2005) may be ordered now

f. Dovid Katz's imposing Lithuanian Jewish Culture to be reviewed in December 2004.

2) Getsl Zelikovitsh -- a Maskil and a Jewish Journalist at the Turn of the Century, English Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation, Hebrew University, Jerusalem [April 1995] (Ze'ev Goldberg)


Contents of Vol. 08.012,  24 December 2004

1) Editor's Note (L.P.)

a. Yiddish After the Holocaust, ed. Joseph Sherman
b. Ewa Geller's "The Perils of Idealizing Yiddish" in this issue.
c. Internet location of Joseph Sherman's centenary essay on I. B. Singer
d. Fenia and Yaakov Leviant Memorial Prize Awarded to Dov-Ber Kerler for The Origins of Modern Literary Yiddish
e.Coming Book Reviews



Contents of Vol. 08.013,  28 December 2004

1) Editor's Note (L.P.)

a. This issue -- replies by Paul Glasser and Ghil'ad Zuckermann
b. Ordering information for Yiddish After the Holocaust
c. The next paper from Yiddish After the Holocaust to be given in TMR
d. Future books reviews

2) Ghilad Zuckermann Responds to the Forward's "Philologus" On the Glottonym "Israeli" (as Different from "Hebrew")
3) Paul Glasser Responds to Ewa Geller's "The Perils of Idealizing Yiddish" from Yiddish After the Holocaust, ed. Joseph Sherman (Oxford 2004)