_The Mendele Review_: Yiddish Literature and Language (A Companion to _MENDELE_) ______________________________________________________ Contents of Vol. 04.009 8 June 2000 shvues numer [Shavuot Issue] 1) On Original and Translated Texts (ed.) 2) Velikie Luki and Rzhev [correction of error in TMR 04.008] 3) Pinye Plotkin 4) Uncle Pinya and Auntie Raissa (Sholem-Aleichem) 1)---------------------------------------------------- Date: 8 June 2000 From: Leonard PragerSubject: On Original and Translated Texts (ed.) The first priority of _The Mendele Review_ is to foster the reading and study of Yiddish-language texts. My eye was caught recently by the title of a talk at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies (of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum): "The Limits and Possibilities of Writing in English about the Holocaust." There is, of course, a vast body of writing in Yiddish directly or indirectly connected to the Shoa, and for some the Yiddish language itself is _yidish koydesh_, a memorial to the millions who lived in Yiddish and who have perished. The scheduled speaker, Alan Rosen(1), was interested in examining "the ways in which inherent characteristics of different languages affect writings about the Holocaust." While the Shoa is a special case, we might ask ourselves: What are the "inherent characteristics" of Yiddish in general and how do they affect texts written in Yiddish, both Shoa and non-Shoa texts? Why do we prefer to read Yiddish texts in the original rather than, say, in skilled translations in languages we may actually know better than Yiddish? Our advocacy of the original Yiddish-language text implies a belief in the uniqueness and irreplaceability of the pristine work. It implies that there are qualities inherent in the Yiddish language which color the reader's experience of Yiddish works. Precisely what these inherent qualities are is not easy to say, but we all feel them to be real. The kind of probing suggested by the title of Rosen's talk could perhaps help us articulate our intuitions, analyze our impressions, understand better our brief for Yiddish. Just this week I learned of a case in which the donors of an English translation of a yisker-bukh ['memorial book'] for the compendious and ever-growing JewishGen website insisted that the Yiddish original be given alongside the translation. In this instance, the request honored the wishes of the author of the yisker-bukh, but generally the monumental JewishGen yisker-bukh enterprise consists solely of translating texts into English. It is assumed that few North American Jews command enough Yiddish to read an entire book in that language and that original Yiddish works will be available to a progressively smaller number of readers and, ultimately, to specialists only. We would like to prevent this happening as far as it is possible to do so. We also learned this past week (see _Mendele_ vol. 10.003) of Russian colleagues who wish to create a kind of Onkelos Project of their own. They aim to translate Yiddish texts into Russian (by all means a valid objective) as distinct from our notion (see _Mendele_ 9.071) of providing Yiddish originals for texts already translated (for the most part quite well) into English. A surprizing part of the Russian plan is the speed with which it proposes to train Yiddish translators -- a course or two, a half-year or so of study. I would have thought that years, perhaps even a lifetime, of living in Yiddish would be a basic -- though hardly the sole -- requirement for the successful translator from Yiddish. Only unreconstructed snobs oppose translation. Some degree of translation is a necessary complement to Yiddish-language materials in Yiddish publications of every kind. Translation has many uses; translation from and translation into a particlar language is a splendid exercise for students. When done well, translation communicates something at least of the flavor of the original. Alongside its emphasis on Yiddish-language texts, _The Mendele Review_ will encourage high-level translations from Yiddish into English, especially -- as in this holiday issue -- of works hitherto untranslated into English. We thank Louis Fridhandler, a Sholem-Aleichem scholar well known to the Mendele community, for his skilful translation of the little-known political satire "Der Feter Pinye mit der Mume Reyze" and promise a similar treat in the next issue of _TMR_. The primary focus of _The Mendele Review_ will continue to be the Yiddish text, but translations of a high order are welcome. 1) A visiting scholar at Baltimore Hebrew University and a lecturer in English and Holocaust literature at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat-Gan, Israel. Editor of _Celebrating Elie Wiesel: Stories, Essays, Reflections_ (1998) and author of _Dislocating the End: Catastrophe and the Invention of Genre_, due to be published this year. 2)---------------------------------------------------- Date: 8 June 2000 From: Hugh Denman and Vulf Plotkin Subject: Velikie Luki and Rzhev [correction of error in TMR 04.008] Hugh Denman writes: 'Velikie Luki & Rzhev are fairly major towns in Russia 458 km and 216 km west of Moscow respectively and staging posts on the road to the Latvian frontier and to Riga. If there is a comma between Velikie and Luki it is a misprint, which is fairly evident if you think of the literal meaning "Great (River-) Bends"'. Vulf Plotkin writes: 'Di erter in "Biz vanen ikh leb" zaynen tsvey (nit dray!) shtet: Rzhev un Velikiye Luki (di kome tsvishn di tsvey khalokim fun eyn nomen iz poshet a feler). Beyde lign afn ayznban fun Moskve tsu Rige. [The misprint is not in the original Plotkin text but in the copied text in TMR 04.008 -- L.P.] 3)---------------------------------------------------- Date: 8 June 2000 From: ed. Subject: Pinye Plotkin Readers who have asked about Pinye Plotkin (see _TMR_ 04.008) should see Iosif Vaisman's notice in _Mendele_ 9.071. 4)---------------------------------------------------- Date: 8 June 2000 From: Louis Fridhandler Subject: Uncle Pinya and Auntie Raissa (Sholem-Aleichem) Uncle Pinya and Auntie Raissa by Sholem Aleichem Published in Yiddish [Der Feter Pinye mit der Mume Reyze] as a separate booklet, No. 2 in the series, _Bikher Far Ale_ ['Books for Everyone'], Warsaw, 1905. Translated from Yiddish by Louis Fridhandler Translator's introduction: A few items of historical information may be useful. The Russian censor in Warsaw approved this story on March 11, 1905 [Old Style] not noticing(1), apparently, that Uncle Pinya and Auntie Raissa(2) represented Japan and Russia respectively. It was a political satire in the form of an allegory mocking the witless, blundering arrogance of Russia's military, especially its naval arm, during the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905. When they finally realized what it meant, government officials confiscated available copies [according to a note in _Fargesene Bletlekh_, ed. Y. Mitlman and Kh. Nadel, Kiev, Melukhe Farlag, 1939, p. 336]. The character of Yankl-Dovid (clearly alluding to Yankee Doodle), a well-to-do, ingratiating upstart, reflects the part that President Theodore Roosevelt played as peacemaker.(3) Theodore Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize for arranging the eventual peace treaty. At yet another level, Yankl-Dovid may also refer to Jacob (Yankl) Schiff, an American Jewish financier who arranged a loan to aid Japan's war effort. (4) Yankl-Dovid is the standard romanization of the name, but if pronounced Yankl-Dovid the sound is closer to Yankee Doodle and is probably closer to Sholem-Aleichem's own pronunciation. Auntie Reyze's great-great granny, the guzzler, may be an allusion to the hedonistic Catherine the Great. It may jar current perceptions to note that, in 1904-05, the United States sided with Japan. However, at that time, Russia's expansionist ambitions in the Far East raised deep American anxieties. Japan was, therefore, a potential ally. Russian officialdom, though arrogantly confident of their great power, were nevertheless aware of their crimes, and so feared retaliation. Simon Dubnow in his _History of the Jews in Russia and Poland_, KTAV, 1975, Volume III, p. 95 (English translation) notes that the Russian regime expected Jews to seek revenge for the Kishinev pogrom of April, 1903. Furthermore, Jews were accused by Russians of helping Japan because they were said to be "kinsmen by race" of the Japanese. Sholem Aleichem begins the satirical allegory by denying this kinship. INTRODUCTION TO THE STORY: Come and I'll tell you a story of my uncle and my auntie. My auntie (not my uncle) is my real blood relative; but an auntie is an auntie so my uncle has to be an uncle. The main thing is this. I want you to learn a lesson: how rotten it is when people fight; how nasty when a man beats up a wife, or a wife a husband; but O, how pleasant, how seemly it is when people dwell nobly in harmony, as God has commanded. THE STORY ITSELF: Strong and tall with chubby face. Big, thick, clumsy hands with dirty fingernails. Mannish voice. A Tartar's heart. A stingy, lazy piece of goods. Not so cruel as angry at the world. A common creature. There you have her: Auntie Raissa. Another noble quality: she loved to stuff herself with food, and worshiped (may she forgive me, and this will go no further than between us, probably).... I'd come right out with it, but this.... This does not befit a woman. In short, she adored her dr inks, and really often; and always plain, old booze; and only from a tea glass. Some said it was a sickness. Others figured it came down to her from her great-great granny who (may her paradise be bright) was a virtuous woman, but what a guzzler! And yet, Auntie Raissa feared God. She was pious. She believed in witchery, ghosts and werewolves, gnomes and dreams. At every yawn she spit three times. With every sneeze she yanked her left ear. She hobnobbed with all the devout ladies in town. Aro und her neck she dangled charms and amulets from the rabbi for protection: a person truly holier than thou. Quite the opposite was Uncle Pinya: Small, dark, nimble, spirited and charming, with little, oddly interesting eyes and sturdy legs; a foxy fellow, fired up, and stubbornly determined. And that little uncle of mine had a marvelous head on his shoulders, clever hands. And a mouth like a flame-thrower! Now see if you can picture this: this wise, crafty little uncle was frightened to death of that fat and foolish auntie, suffered hellish torments in her presence, feared to part his lips lest he voice a thoughtless word. Why? Why was he so afraid? Was it only a sign of proper respect? Or was it because, on the quiet, she flung a swat now and then, and he caught it? Who can know what happens between man and wife when no one else is looking? Everyone knew that he held her in awe. Whenever she sent one stern glance in his direction, he quickly went feeble, quiet as a kitten. Was it, perhaps, because their match was arranged for the sake of her money, or in pursuit of vanity? Was it only because of her size? Even while writing the nuptial agreement, it was rumored that the match was not between equals. Then, when he finally stood beside her under the wedding canopy, his friends lamented and commiserated: "Shlim-mazl! He's hardly bigger than a puppy-dog by half a head, and still he hitches on to such a hefty chunk! If she ever lays a hand on him, good-bye Pinya!" Her husky voice would call to him, "Pincus!" On top of that she'd stamp her foot. And he was paralyzed. But then, when she would step out for a while, he chattered away, let himself go like a coloratura. He frisked about like a colt, hop-hop-hop; and (may he pardon me for pointing out his faults) he strutted and boasted, telling tall stories, carving out lies. To tell the truth, Auntie Raissa could claim no perfection either in such matters; and, I think (maybe), she was caught red-handed now and then . The only difference was that whenever she invented a story, out came a clumsy whopper; but when he crafted a lie, it came out nicely shaped, bright and cheery. He was affable and friendly (concerned for everyone's health and comfort, knew just how to get along), but she was just the opposite: rough with people, jerked around the servants by their braids, rained blows without pity for any creature, human, dog, or cat. To her it made no difference. This, my Uncle Pinya couldn't bear, but he had to keep his mouth shut. What else could he do? You must understand that being afraid is a very serious matter, especially being afraid of wives, and especially of a wif e like Auntie Raissa. Everything in this world must end sooner or later. That time came for Uncle Pinya and Auntie Raissa. The story unfolded like this: Uncle Pinya had a dear, old friend; Yankl-Dovid by name. This Yankl-Dovid was a very important man of business, cunning and crafty, a rascal boasting great new wealth, and (may he forgive me) a sassy smart-aleck. Everybody's darling! One fine day our Y ankl-Dovid met with Uncle Pinya, talking this and that. "How's business? How's your health? How are you and Auntie Raissa getting along?" "Oh Oh Oh!" burst out from Uncle Pinya. "What Oh Oh Oh?" asked Yankl-Dovid. "What's that mean, this 'Oh Oh Oh'?" Uncle Pinya looked embarrassed, casting eyes in all directions. Yankl-Dovid pressed on, "Why do you spin like a Chanuka dreydl?" "Sh- Sh-!..." said Uncle Pinya, still looking around. "What's all that shushing for?" demanded Yankl-Dovid. "Are you afraid of your wife? Is that it? Come on, admit it!" "Sh-, Sh-! Not so loud!" said the stricken Uncle Pinya. "You ox with a man's face!" shouted Yankl-Dovid. "If you're that frightened of that clod of clay, you deserve to be ground under foot!" "Sh-Sh-Sh, what are you talking about? Just look at the size of her. Have you seen that hand, that foot? Have you heard that woman's voice?" "Half-wit! Blithering son of a blockhead! After all, aren't you a man? Show your strength, you fool! If you beat her good and proper, I guarantee she'll turn as soft as dough, sweet as honey." "B-b-beating?" Uncle Pinya almost shuddered in terror, shivering like a puny lamb. "Smite her, you scraggly simpleton. Whacks from swinging logs! And right in the face! And don't miss a day! All kinds of thumps, and fat ones!" In short, Yankl-Dovid kept fanning the flames of evil passion until my Uncle Pinya owned up to the bitter pill stuck in his gullet, and poured his heart out as though to someone near and dear, and almost burst out crying. "Yankl-Dovid, brother, it's no good. You hear? I can't stand that frump any more." "Smack 'er, you ox! You donkey!" "Whacks?" "Like with blocks of wood!" * * * When a fiend is fashioned by human design, he is far, far worse (they say) than one that's born of nature. Without any warning (it happened one night in a flash), Pinya grew bigger. Seething with anger, steeled with new courage, he fell upon Auntie, pinching, punching, thumping her from every side. At first, she couldn't understand, and figured Uncle Pinya had taken leave of his senses. "Pincus! May God be with you! What are you doing?" "You can see exactly what! I'm hitting!" "You? Me?" "I! I!" Auntie Raissa was stunned by those first hefty blows, and staggered for days as though groggy from smoke. She couldn't believe it. She went off to her folks, sought friendly advice, then came home. She fixed her eye on my uncle, and ordered up an explan ation. "Just tell me this, y' puny chipmunk, you so and so! How dare you lift a hand to me, and why! Just tell me why!" At the sound of her mannish voice, Uncle Pinya went limp and lost the use of hands and feet. Then he started to wriggle like a fish on a hook. Lucky for him, Yankl-Dovid showed up at that moment. Auntie Raissa complained to Yankl-Dovid, charging Uncle Pinya with insulting a virtuous woman, beating her black and blue. "Mr. Yankl-Dovid is like one of the family," she said. "I'm not embarrassed to tell him everything. You hear, Yankl-Dovid? This so and so tore me apart, broke my thickest bones...!" And Auntie Raissa rolled up her sleeve to show her black-and-blue arm, as swollen as a pillow. That elegant fellow, Yankl-Dovid, nodded his head (or so it appeared), thoughtfully smacked his lips, all the while seeming to hum through his nose: "Bravo, Pinya, Bravo!" "No!" protested Auntie Raissa, tears a-flowing. "How dare he raise his hand to me? And for what? No! No! Let him tell me. For what? For what? FOR WHAT?" And so while repeating it (each time higher and louder: For what? For what?), she drew nearer, ever closer to Uncle Pinya. She hoisted her arm, about to deal out Pinya's proper share of blows..., when a miracle happened. Uncle Pinya sprung at her face like a cat. Slaps and punches rained on poor Auntie Raissa. It was pitiful! "There! Now, do you know for what?" That (along with a faint smile) was Uncle Pinya's hot reply. That worthy fellow, Yankl-Dovid, stood by with a face showing tender compassion. Then he seemed to nod his head as he smacked his lips, and hummed through his nose: "Bravo, Pinya, bravo!" Auntie Raissa flew into an awful rage. She staked out a spot in the middle of the house, and with a blue-flecked, ruddy face she announced: "Hear this well, you fatherless whelp! When you beat me and mocked me in private and nobody saw, I didn't utter a peep; but now that even strangers know everything, I dare you! Hit me. Come on! Try!" Auntie Raissa rolled up her sleeves, and moved very close to Uncle Pinya. Then she began to catch his blows: top and bottom, this side, that side until the windows shook and rang. Pummeled and torn limb from limb, dripping blood, Auntie Raissa kept crawli ng back to him saying, "I'd like to see you try that again. Come on, again!" And he obliged her again and again. And that worthy gentleman, Yankl-Dovid, stood by, pretending astonishment, nodding his head, smacking his lips, and softly chanting through his nose: "That's the way, Pinya, bravo!" * * * Surely, you all remember that little ditty: Kitty-katty, pretty kitten, See the pony prancing. When a daddy beats a mommy, Children run a-dancing. * * * May we all be kept safe from that which befell that household. Everyone did whatever they wanted. My uncle himself egged on the children: the older to disobey mama, the younger to thumb their noses at her. The servants fought like cats; they looted and snatched whatever they saw as though the fate of the world depended on it. "Aw, the hell with all of this!" So said Auntie Raissa, and took to her bottle. In short, it was ugly, becoming so ghastly that the couple nearly divorced to save them both from utter ruin. Then Yankl-Dovid, Uncle Pinya's friend, butted in to offer himself as peacemaker. He said, "Now, my fine friends, is the right time for you to make up, become comrades, and build a new life." Long did Yankl-Dovid labor and argue; first with one and then the other. "Haven't you had enough? Enough brawling!" he said, "Enough being snickered at by decent folks! The whole family could be wrecked!" But that, he discovered, did as much good as t he snows of yesteryear. The family would not allow outside help, even though Auntie Raissa was battered and torn and bloody and walked around with puffy eyes and swollen cheeks. On top of that (as though that wasn't enough), she added to her troubles by hanging on to her swollen pride like a stubborn bulldog. Unbelievable! People tried to give her advice. "Think of what may be? Is there no limit? You'll get buried alive!" "O, yeah? Just wait and see!" she answered. "Stay a while, and see who buries whom!" "At least get a divorce, and let that be the end of it!" "Divorces? Get one from him? Plagues and boils, a miserable death is all he can give! But you'll see. He'll hit me and hit me until he gets tired. Wait and see!" Her family encouraged her to be firm, so she stopped listening to friends, and defied all advice. All the while she kept taking it: hefty punches, heavy swats, high and low, fore and aft. To make a long story short, people could no longer bear to look a t this pitiful sight. They stepped into the fray and brought them to a referee. Both were made to sign a paper promising that: 1) No more beatings by either one; no more quarrels, no malicious whispering. 2) She may no longer tipple whiskey save on the Sabbath or on holidays. 3) She must, like other wives, be neat and clean with no loud talking; no more meddling in the children's affairs. 4) She may no longer batter servants nor torment the cat. 5) And he must treat her with honor, with kindness and courtesy. No insults, no finger-pointing. 6) He must ensure that she learn Hebrew, pray and read a Yiddish holy book, seek out every obligation of the pure in heart, ponder the moral path; learn to be respectful, to get along. 7) Then will the children surely honor her, and the servants defer to her respectfully. After the paper was properly signed and filed, the couple reached home safely in peace and serenity. They dwelt together as doves of peace (that's what people say), as tranquil as sheep, like a just-married bride and groom, in riches and honor. * * * All's well that ends well. O, may the One above grant that all be as well, now and forever, for us and the House of Israel, and for all peoples of this earth. AMEN. Notes 1. The Israeli historian Aharon Ariel adds this comment: "Another possibility is that the censor who allowed publication of the story understood its political message but chose to assume the guise of one who did not. Government censors of Hebrew and Yiddish were generally converts who were fully conversant with strategems for sending political and social messages in purportedly literary works. They sometimes found it possible to allow a work to pass if its subject was in some way disguised -- as in the case of Bialik's poem on the Kishinev pogrom, "Ir hariga" ['City of Slaughter'], which was passed by the censor under the dissembling title, "Masa Nemirov" ['The Nemirov March'], a fairly transparent title pointing to a massacre by Chmelnitsky two and a half centuries earlier. 2. The name _Pinye_ is first of all a shortened form of the Yiddish/Hebrew name _Pinkhes_/_Pinkhos. The author gives the hero of the story a "friendly" name. _Pinye_ is also a rearrangement of the consonants in the Yiddish name for Japan -- _yapan_. _Pinye_ sugggests the register of familiarity - the diminution points, too, to the real or attributed shortness of Japanese men as compared to most Westerners. The female name _Reyze_ ('Rosa', a dialectal variant of _Royze_) echoes the Russian name for Russia -- _Rossia_, which is pronounced /rosiya/. _Reyze_ is not diminutized to _Reyzl_, _Reyzele_, or _Reyzke_ as it so often is. Part of the allegorical intent of the author may be to preserve the sense of a large and imposing woman who becomes ridiculous when battered by a small man. Louis Fridhandler has reminded me that in one of his Menakhem-Mendl letters, Sholem-Aleichem punningly refers to Russia as _roshe_ ('evil one'). This particular pun may not work with _Reyze_, but it is an additional instance of Sholem-Aleichem's word-play on the name of the country of his birth. [L.P.] 3. Aharon Ariel writes: "President Theodore Roosevelt wished to curb Russian expansion in the East. He understood that Russian resources far outweighed those of Japan, whose success in the Russo-Japanese War was based largely on the element of surpise. He intervened before the befuddled Russian general staff could redeploy fresh troops to the East to reverse the situation. Russia nursed a grudge against Roosevelt, whose intervention led to a peace treaty reflecting Japanese success at its peak. 4. SCHIFF, JACOB HENRY (1847-1920), U.S. financier and philanthropist. Born in Frankfort, Germany, he was the descendant of a distinguished rabbinical family (see Schiff, Meir b. Jacob). He received a thorough secular and religious education at the local school of the Israelitische Religionsgesellschaft, then followed his father, Moses, who was associated with the Rothschild banking firm, into that occupation. At the age of 18 Schiff emigrated to the United States, entered a brokerage firm in New York, and became a partner in Budge, Schiff and Co. In 1875 he married the daughter of Solomon Loeb, head of the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., and entered that firm. Schiff's remarkable financial abilities were recognized when he was named head of Kuhn, Loeb in 1885. Schiff's firm soon became one of the two most powerful private investment banking houses in the United States, participating actively in fostering the rapid industrialization of the U.S. economy during the late 19th and early 20th century. "Schiff was prominently involved in floating loans to the government at home and to foreign nations, the most spectacular being a bond issue of $200,000,000 for Japan at the time of the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-05. Deeply angered by the anti-Semitic policies of the czarist regime in Russia, he was delighted to support the Japanese war effort. He consistently refused to participate in loans on behalf of Russia, and used his influence to prevent other firms from underwriting Russian loans, while providing financial support for Russian Jewish self-defense groups." [from the _Encyclopaedia Judaica_ (Jerusalem, 1971, vol. 14, cols. 960-1)] Aharon Ariel adds: "Jacob Henry Schiff not only hated anti-Semitic Russia but headed a group of Jewish bankers in the United States, Great Britain and Germany, who guaranteed war loans to Japan in unprecedented amounts. He received a high medal of honor from the Japanese emperor, the first westerner to be granted such a distinction; his name became a household word in Japan. The Japanese came to believe antisemitic propaganda, including _The Protocols of the Elders of Zion_ which claimed the Jews controlled the United States and Britain and caused the downfall of the czar. However, the Japanese concluded that if the Jews were indeed so powerful it was politic to assure their support. This helps to explain the policy of giving asylum in Japan and in lands conquered by Japan to Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany." ______________________________________________________ End of _The Mendele Review_ 04.009 Leonard Prager, editor Subscribers to _Mendele_ (see below) automatically receive _The Mendele Review_. Send "to subscribe" or change-of-status messages to: listproc@lists.yale.edu a. For a temporary stop: set mendele mail postpone b. To resume delivery: set mendele mail ack c. To subscribe: sub mendele first_name last_name d. To unsubscribe kholile: unsub mendele ****Getting back issues**** _The Mendele Review_ archives can be reached at: http://www2.trincoll.edu/~mendele/tmrarc.htm